
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Meeting this week!

Our next guild meeting is happening Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Old Firehall at the Watson Art Centre.

Things to remember:

Black and White "Night and Day Scrappy Brick Blocks"

If you have made some blocks we would sure appreciate if you could bring them with you on Thursday.  We are hoping to get a plan together as soon as possible for the Band Program Fundraising Quilt.  If you need more info on this just give Lori a call at 5777.

Yard Sale

This will be the evening of our yard sale.  If you wish to sell items they can be dropped off anytime after 5:00.  (If possible try to bring them a little bit early to allow the organizers a chance to get set up.)  Items must be priced and labeled with your personal seller number.  Numbers were handed out at the last meeting, but will still be available.  Karen P. and Bev P. are in charge of this endeavor so please ask them if you have any questions.

2014/2105 Challenge Kits

Kits will be available for purchase on Thursday for a cost of $10.  You will have until May to complete your project.  I am looking forward to seeing what is in store for us this year!

See you Thursday!


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