
Friday, November 4, 2022

November 3rd Crocus Quilt Guild meeting. Short meeting today. It was decided that the club will have a Christmas party at our January 2023 meeting. Those that want to participate in a gift exchange of a home made wine bottle tote or bag and also a fat quarter exchange. A demo on english paper piecing was presented. Everyone had a chance to make a couple of pieces hands on. One lucky member received all the completed pieces. We'll see what she comes up with. Dawn showed a finished sample of the dear Jane quilt block she chose to make. It has 40 pieces within it and I believe it's 4" finished. A few show & tell items were shared..

October 22nd. Guild workshop led by Karen Pryce on the Blue Onion Quilt. There were 17 attendees, Lots of instruction, sewing and visiting.

October 6th Meeting & show& tell. We had a short business meeting and Dawn led a power point presentation about Dear Jane quilts. She gave members lots of content and information on where to find books, patterns, websites to try our hand at making these small but creative blocks. Members then shared the work they have done . It's always great inspiration to keep creating.
