Last night was a very exciting meeting as we all got to see and vote on the challenge pieces for this year. We were all given the same fabric, but three different words to incorporate into our quilt. The words were a block, a shape and a technique of some kind. Here are the fabrics to refresh your memory.
(As you will see my memory is a little hazy on all of the words that went with each quilt. If you want to drop me an email with what I have missed I will be happy to make corrections.)
Last night, all members in attendance were handed a ballot and just asked to pick our favorite.
Which one do you like?
Let's start things off with Karen. She picked the fabric for this year's challenge and gave us our mystery words as well. I can't remember all of Karen's words - square in square and ???
Next is Dawn, her words were basket, strip pieced and embellishment.
Jackie decided to make a quilted bag. Her words were tree, four patch and echo quilting.
Bev's bow ties. She did a great job following the floral print with her quilting.
Genny's cute quilting did not show up very well in this photo.
Cindy had hearts, prairie points and curved piecing. Those center hearts are pieced not appliqued!

Sherry had applique and flying geese and. square. She had trouble deciding which direction to go so she made two. The butterflies weren't on the table for us to vote on, but she did show it to us later.
Gloria had stars, applique and ??
Marion had churn dash, heart and bias tape.
Linda had trapunto, rail fence.
Karen M had flying geese, miters
Cheryl had flowers, nine patch and something that has slipped my mind! These pictures do not show the lovely details at all.
Then there was me. I had nine patch, tree and embellishment.
Have you picked your favorite? If you want to see the lovely detail in these quilts they are going to be on display at the Parkland Regional Library here in Dauphin all summer.
And the winner is.....
I am very honored to say that my fellow guild members chose my owl as their favorite. My prize for winning is getting to choose the fabric for next year's challenge. I think I was just told I have to go fabric shopping - whatever shall I do??
More about the the rest of the meeting next time.
I had tried to post earlier but don't know what happened. Anyway, great job on all the challenges! It is amazing how different each project is when it started with the same three fabrics. Great pictures Lori. Congrats on winning (although having an excuse to go shopping is a really big bonus!!!!)